I started practicing yoga in 2008 as a complement to my high intensity exercise routine. At the time, I could only afford to take $6 community hot yoga classes held at 8 o'clock at night. But in that packed-to-capacity studio, I learned valuable life lessons through a challenging physical practice:

Everyone has a unique journey, and each is beautiful

Movement on the outside can lead to contentment on the inside

We will wobble and sometimes fall, but the victory happens when we keep trying.

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As my family grew and life changed, yoga was always a practice I could fall back on. Time on my mat truly helped me be a better wife, mom, friend and community member. Becoming a registered yoga instructor (RYT) was a natural progression. I completed my 200hr YTT with Melisa Uchida of MaKa Movement, one of the leading teacher trainers in the area. Now it is my true honor to be able to share yoga with others and give back to the practice that inspires me daily.

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